Construction is close to completion on the New Murray City Hall
Located at 4800 S & Vine, Murray’s new 85,000-sf city hall beautifully blends the structure with the site to reflect the heart of the city and foster a strong sense of community. Encompassing public safety and council chambers, the City Hall also provides spaces for community functions. By locating shear walls within interior spaces, GSBS Architecture was able to maximize view lines through unobstructed expanses of glass. Artistry and engineering also combine to create Council chambers that have a sweeping curvilinear sloped wall. The wall is not only beautiful, but also provides structural support for the curved skylights at the perimeter of the roof. The City Hall should be open for business by Spring of 2023.
Kudos to Murray City, GSBS, Spectrum, Layton Construction, and Calder Richards’ Nick Markosian and Henning Ungerman for a job well done.